TORQTECH - Free Attachment or Motor with Purchase Exclusions apply. Offers valid for US and Canadian dentists only.

Special Offers
Choose one:

Buy 2 TORQTECH 1:1 attachments (CA-DC-O or ST-DH), get 1 TORQTECH attachment free. (Free attachment must be of equal or lesser value.)   

Buy 2 TORQTECH 1:5 attachments with optics (CA-5IF-O-UM or CA-5IF-O), get 1 Air Torx Air Motor OR 1 TORQTECH attachment free. (Free attachment choose from: CA-5IF-O-UM, CA-5IF-O, CA-5IF, CA-DC-O, CA-DC or ST-DH.)

 Buy 1 TORQTECH Non-Optic Attachment (CA-DC or CA-5IF), get 1 non-optic attachment free. (Free attachment must be of equal or lesser value.)

To order, contact your dealer or call 888-JMORITA (566-7482).


To Redeem

Offers cannot be combined. Rebates and/or MSRP listed in USD. Offers expire December 31, 2024. To receive your free gift or promotional offer, fax a copy of your dealer invoice dated October 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024 by January 15, 2025, to J. MORITA USA at (949) 465-1009, or email to:, Attn: Q4 Promotions. If free goods are shipping to a residential address, please notify us in advance. J. MORITA USA reserves the right to change or cancel these promotions at any time. Students are not eligible for quarterly specials and discounts.

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