The worldwide success story of Morita started in the year 1916 when Junichi Morita founded the "Morita Shika Shoten" in Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto in Japan. This was based on the desire to improve not only the quality of life of patients but also the quality of work of doctors and dentists. After just a few years, he decided to change the business form from just importing medical devices to the development of own products. Above all, it was his consistent endeavor for precision and uncompromising quality that motivated him to take this courageous step. This passion has repeatedly generated path-breaking innovations in the course of the company’s history – and even today it continues to characterize our family-owned and family-managed enterprise.
In 1995 Certified ISO 9001 (Quality Management System).
In 2000 Certified ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System).
In 2003 Certified ISO 13485 (Quality Management System for Medical Equipment).
In 2013 Certified Management System for Chemical Substances in Products from JQA for the first time as the manufacturer of medical equipment.